- Saray Sevilla (Unlicensed)
- AlbertB (Unlicensed)
Analysis Categor:
A category in which events are grouped in the timeline in order to be analyzed (e.g.: foul, rebound, ball lost)
Analysis Dashboard:
A dashboard with a set of buttons used to code events in the game
Analysis Project:
A combination of elements creating the video analysis of a game.
Analysis Subcategory:
A subcategory division inside an analysis category (eg: foul -> type, foul -> reason)
Automatic Coding:
The event is coded with 1 click and the start and stop time is automatically calculated from the lead and lag time
Button link:
A link between 2 buttons. When you click the first one, the second one is also activated.
Category Button:
A dashboard button that allows you to code events in the timeline for its analysis category
The act of creating new events in the timeline using the dashboard buttons
An action in the game at a specific time and duration for a given analysis category
Events Timeline:
A list of events grouped by category at different positions in the game
Fake Live Analysis:
Analyzing a game live without an input source. The video file is merged afterwards with the analysis project.
Lag Time:
Amount of time added to an event from the moment you code it to define its stop time
Lead Time:
Amount of time subtracted to an event from the moment you code it to define its start time
Lineup event:
A unique event at the beginning of the game describing the starting lineup of the teams being analyzed
Live Analysis:
Analyzing a game live while recording it to the hard drive using an external camera source.
Manual Coding:
The event is coded with 2 clicks to set its start and stop time
The process of joining together different analysis of the same project into a single one
The process of importing analysis and templates of the LongoMatch 0.20 version into LongoMatch 1.0 or higher
Penalty Button:
A dashboard button that allows you to code penalty events in the timeline
Penalty Event:
A special type of event to use when a player is being penalized
A portion of time that divides a game (eg: 1st half, 2nd Half, Overtime)
Periods Timeline:
Timeline displaying all the periods in which a game is divided into.
A list of events that are played sequentially and can be rendered to a new file
Post-game Analysis:
Analyzing a game after it has finished using an existing recording
The process of exporting events or playlists to a new video file
Score Button:
A dashboard button that allows you to code score events in the timeline
Score Event:
A special type of event to track the score in the game
Subcategory Tag:
An extra description for an event in an analysis subcategory 

(eg: foul-> type -> hand)
Substitution Event:
An event describing the substitution of 1 player for another
An extra description that can be applied to any event (eg: review later)
Tag Button:
A dashboard button that add tags to an event
Tags Group:
A group of tags that are mutually exclusive (good + bad)
A list of players playing on the same side and forming a group to analyze
A portion of time used to retrieve timing information about phases in the game (eg: ball possession)
Timer Button:
A dashboard button that creates timing events in the timers timeline
Timers Timeline:
Timeline with the events generated by a timer