Working with subcategories
The category buttons can be set up with "subcategories". They will provide more detailed information about the coding. All subcategories can be visible on the statistics and also can be used as a filter.
When you tag a button that has subcategories, a pop up window will open with the tagging properties. You can used this window to add detailed information. Using the pop-up window, we can also change the name of a tag. It will be useful to do a video clip or a playlist and use the name of the tag as a reference name of the specific video.
On the pop-up window we will find the zonal tags (if you have set it up previously on the analysis dashboard that your are using). Also we will see the player linked to this event. In case we want, we can change both. Once you have change the information you can save it by doing click on "Ok" button.
The subcategories can be hidden in our coding process as we can find that sometimes they are not important while live coding. Disable the blank "show tags" to hide the tag's subcategories. Once the live coding is done, we can check and enable subcategories if we wish.
Also we can disable the pop-up window to tag quickly. To do so, we only have to do click on the
icon that we will find to the right of the project's window.